Travelling diary

I thought about writing about the places I have visited and share the varied experiences I have had. But then, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here is a collection of images which show not just the places visited but give you a glimpse of each experience.

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You can check out more of my photographs here.

My favourite portraits

Photography means different things to different people. For me, it is a way of capturing a moment such that it tells a story of its own. I have my own story for the photographs I take but I do not always expect my audience to comprehend that story. I would rather prefer that the image compels them to come up with their own story. Maybe it reminds them of something, or maybe it allows them to let their imagination go wild…

Over the years I have taken many photographs. Some of these are very close to my heart for various reasons. I love some for the people or places in them, others I love the story behind them.

I would like to share some of them here…


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You can check out more of my photographs here.

Nikon Nikkormat FT

I love photography. My interest in photography has transferred from my father. He had this wonderful camera he received as his wedding gift.

It was a Nikon Nikkormat FT series which he received in the early 1980s.

The Nikkormat FT has a full metal body which feels great in your hands. As a young kid, I relished each time my father would allow me to take some photographs with that camera. I was too young and naïve then, to understand the nuances of photography but that camera had left its mark. I was going to return to it later in life.

I rediscovered the photography bug in me in my early 20s with the help and guidance of a very close friend of mine. The Nikkormat which was not in much use then was still as sturdy and still worked like a charm. It had been over 2 decades since that camera was built. The light meter had stopped working but you could not fault it for anything else.

I used it in quite regularly in the early 2000s. I was trying to learn how to take good portraits. I must admit I am what you would call an amateur, I still am and would be a proud amateur forever. I would have loved to take photographs in B&W but did not have the resources to do so and had to be happy with colour films. But it was a good learning experience.

Then I moved to Australia got busy in other things and had to leave the Nikkormat back home. Fast forward to 2014; Finally, the Nikkormat has found its way back to my hands. The camera is over 30 years old now. It shows some ageing but it still works. I marvel at the excellence in the manufacturing process of the 70s and 80s. I believe they do not make cameras these days that last a lifetime.

In the last few years, I have started making pictures more regularly with a newer digital version of the Nikon SLR camera. But having the old camera back in my hands is like going around a full circle.

I would someday like to take some photographs with the Nikkormat but having it with me is a constant encouragement to make more pictures.

You can check out more of my photographs here.